本研究においてはCOVID-19の感染拡大によって海外調査の実施が困難となった。そのため2021年度はSuhrawardī (1154-1191)とその学派(照明学派)を中世イスラーム思想史の中に定位する準備のために、その時代的な前後と関連の諸思想の基礎文献の収集と先行研究の整理を行った。そこから今後のさらなる研究の方向が見えてきた。第一にŁukasz Piątak氏がPh.D.論文(ワルシャワ大学 2018)においてSuhrawardīによる『諸霊感と聖化』などのオカルト的諸小著作が校訂したことがわかった。それらのオカルト的諸著作を彼の『照明の哲学』をはじめとする諸著作と比較し、かつそれらのオカルト思想関連の術語や概念をShahrazurī (1288歿)とQuṭb al-Dīn Shīrazī (1236-1311)などの照明学派の諸著作の中で比較し、後代の哲学的伝統の中での展開を考察することである。また第二の視点としては9世紀以降にオカルト諸学の諸分野(錬金術、魔術、占星術)は哲学的自然研究とイスラーム教理の諸分野との関連を作り上げたと考えられることがある。そのような傾向はSuhrawardī とその学派の中でどれほど影響があったか(Suhrawardī についてはPiątak氏を参照)、オカルト諸学の各分野について、彼以後の展開に加えて、以前の思想潮流からも照らして見ていく必要がある。例えば10世紀イラクのシーア派的哲学結社「純粋兄弟会」は、占星術論文において当時の天文学による数万年以上に及ぶ長大な時間論と、イスラーム的な預言的歴史観の間を調停しようとした。この視点を持ってSuhrawardī とその学派には、G. de Callataÿも指摘している「純粋兄弟会」に見られたオカルト諸学と自然研究、預言的歴史観というイスラームの教理の調停の試みは、諸預言者が登場する歴史論、さらにはメシア思想及び預言論との関連でシーア派イマーム論などの政治思想にも及んだか、今後研究の中で検証していくことが今後の課題といえよう。
This research project faced a serious difficulty in conducting of archival works in the libraries and archives in foreign countries because of the still ongoing pandemic of COVID-19. Therefore in the year 2021 as a preparation for intellectual historical study of the thought of philosophy of Nature and occult sciences of Suhrawardī (1154-1191) and his Illuminationist school the work of this research focused on the collecting of primary source materials (in philosophy, occult sciences and other related branches of Islamic thought) from the ages before and after Suhrawardī and close examination of modern studies of the subject of the research. This work recognized the significance of the edition and presentation conducted by Łukasz Piątak of Suhrawardī's occult works such as "Al-Wāridāt wa'l-Taqdīsāt" in his Ph. D. Dissertation (University of Warsaw, 2018). The work by Piątak and the occult works edited by him suggests the need to compare the contents of those texts with Suhrawardī's other works, especially his "Illuminationist" philosophical opus-magnum "Ḥikmat al-Ishrāq" and to examine how his occult terms and concepts in his works are analyzed and discussed in the commentaries and other works in his Illuminationist school represented by Shahrazurī (d. 1288) and Quṭb al-Dīn Shīrazī (1236-1311) and further later philosophical traditions. Also the examination of the works of occult sciences before Suhrawardī suggests us that the texts of the genre in its various disciplines (for example, astrology, alchemy, magic, etc.) since the 9th century tended to form the connection of philosophical natural sciences, occult sciences and Islamic doctrines. This suggestion led us to the following questions: How did this tendency of the formation of the connection as such influence the Illuminationist tradition?; and to which branch of the Islamic doctrines did this connection reach? As a next phase of our research in the future, from the branches of doctrines, we will examine the possibility of the connections of some of Islamic doctrines in general, and the doctrine of the history of prophets in particular, to philosophy of nature and disciplines of occult sciences in the Illuminationst school. We propose this examination because this connection is confirmed in a treatise on astrology by an influential 10th century Shī'ī group of philosophical study, the "Brethren of Purity" in Iraq which connects (as pointed out by G. de Callataÿ) the Aristotelian astronomy, historical/Political astrology, and the doctrine of history of the prophets. Also it is proposed to examine whether in Illuminationist school this connection is extended to Shī'ī Messianism and political theory of the Imamate which are closely related to the doctrine of the history of the prophets in Shī'ī and Shī'ī influenced inttelctual contexts.