1. 1. Background and purpose
In addition to the declining birthrate, the advancement of pediatric home care, the length of stay is getting shorter. Therefor, there are fewer opportunities for nursing students to take direct care. In 2020, due to the epidemic of the new coronavirus infection, we created and tried a "pediatric nursing game" in a situation where opportunities for clinical training were limited. The purpose of this research is to develop the games and to measure their usefulness.
2. 2. Research content
(1) Perform a conceptual analysis of "pediatric nursing" from literature reviews and textbooks related to pediatric nursing, and set the purpose and goals of the game. (2) Redevelop the existing "pediatric nursing game" for the purpose and goal of the game. (3) Measure the usefulness of the redeveloped "pediatric nursing game".
3. 3. Result
[Game purpose / goal setting]
As a result of the conceptual analysis of "pediatric nursing", the child is the subject who has the right, and is nurtured by the family and grows and develops. Therefore, nurses respect the will of children and encourage self-determination so that each child can fully demonstrate his or her own abilities and grow up physically and mentally. It is important to get involved while demonstrating the expertise of nursing. From the above results, the purpose and goal of the game was to allow the player to acquire the ability to create nursing for the best interests of the child.
[Game development]
The goal of the game was to keep the child in charge in a good mood.
A model of 18 children was created from the database of children with chronic specific illnesses. The age and gender of the affected children were collated by the predominant age and gender of each disease. In addition, the family structure and economic situation of each child were set with reference to the current situation in Japan. In addition to the illness, hobbies, personality, room allocation, available public fund subsidy system, etc. are added as information for the patient, and depending on each child, what is good for the child (being in a good mood) and what is not (being in a bad mood).
4. Plan for next year
Finish up making the game and evaluate its usefulness.