This study examined the formulation of social integration policy of immigrants within the rapid transformation of Spain (which went from being a migrant-sending country to an immigrant receiving country in the 2000s), in relation to the European Union and neighboring countries. The aim of this study is to explore the perceptions of immigrants within the post-democratic political climate and the autonomy of civil society. Through analyzing the radicalizing effects of regionalist movements in Spain and the trends of far-right forces in recent years, this study attempts to clarify whether Spain has become a nation receiving immigrants with its own political balance.
Since Spain is a new immigrant-receiving country in Europe, it has enjoyed latecomer benefits in terms of immigration policy. Based on the findings, this study considers whether Spain is at the stage of implementing a new social integration policy that goes beyond the policies of the preceding immigrant-receiving countries, especially in terms of the common measures implemented throughout the EU. To that end, the bases for comparative research with European countries was established for this study. Moreover, by referring to the examples of neighboring countries such as France and Italy, it is hoped that both intrinsic factors and extrinsic factors (which can be the expansion and restraint of the discourse of immigration exclusion) can be further analyzed in the future. Meanwhile, observation of immigration flow (either visible or invisible) in the current pandemic crisis in fieldwork overseas was originally planned but was put on a halt due to the recent pandemic. This research topic, however, is likely to become one of the major topics in future immigration research.
As it was impossible to conduct a field survey due to the pandemic, data was instead collected online and interview surveys were conducted online throughout the year. Online presentations were also made at international conferences including the IUAES Congress (Union of International Anthropological and Ethnic Associations).