The present research is the three-year plan. The aim is to study the social history of the retail-artisans and the guilds in the early-modern ottoman cities. In this final year of the plan, the analysis of inheritance records was focused on.
In the recent researches, how guild members or retail-artisans lived has been an important question.
To reexamine the view which has emphasised on the importance of the organization and institution of guilds, researchers have revealed retail-artisans' lives, management and economic differentiation among guild members, and families succeeding to the same profession. Inheritance records are a essential historical resource to resolve the question mentioned above.
This study made some examination as follows. Firstly the İstanbul Askeri court register numbered 487 was analyzed. This revealed that inheritance records of at least forty five retail-artisans were involved in the resister. Secondarily, of the forty five records, one of İbrahim bin Ali tanner on December 24, 1781 was analyzed in more detail, with four judicial records. Through the analysis, his inheritance and the progress of the succession was revealed, and his economic and social life was examined, especially his business, the structure of his family and his relationship to the guild members.