Currently, the fundamental theory describing the dynamics of spacetime is general relativity, but its quantization is an unsolved problem. One of the candidates for this solution is the so-called "gauge/gravity correspondence". According to it, a certain kind of supersymmetric gauge theory is dual to gravity, which suggests that the supersymmetric gauge theory can be a quantum description of spacetime. This project aims to define supersymmetric gauge theory, which has inherently infinite degrees of freedom, as a continuous limit of discrete systems, and to verify this duality by both of theoretical and numerical approach.
The most commonly used method of discretizing gauge theory with supersymmetry is the so-called "lattice gauge theory," which defines a theory on a spacetime approximated by a square lattice. There are two known theories that leave supersymmetry on the lattice: the CKKU theory and the Sugino theory, respectively, due to the difference in their construction methods. Both lattice theories are theoretically predicted to give correct continuous theory results from numerical calculations for low-dimensional supersymmetric gauge theories up to two dimensions. It has been suggested that the 4D supersymmetric gauge theory can be realized by taking the continuous limit around the noncommutative spherical solution of the 2D lattice gauge theory. Perturbative calculations suggest that this method can be used stably in quantum theory.
To achieve this goal, we must take the continuous limit of a two-dimensional theory, but it is dangerous to take the continuous limit naively because a theory with supersymmetry may have a zero mode in fermions. As a result of this year's study, it was observed that there is a phenomenon in both spherical and torus backgrounds that the identity of the symmetry does not hold. Therefore, we developed a new mechanism to eliminate the zero-mode contribution of fermions and analyzed its effects both theoretically and numerically. The results will be published in a paper in the near future.