下半期においては、それらの成果を持ち寄って擦り合わせることで認識の共有を図り、不足している検討材料の収集・分析も進め、それらを元に、収集した皮影戯関連資料の展覧を兼ねた公開講演会「台湾ローカル文化と中華文化――映画・影絵人形劇・布袋戯(ボテヒ)、そして『Thunderbolt Fantasy』」を開催した。またその研究成果は、好文出版よりブックレットとして公刊した。
Traditional culture in the Sinosphere is, to a degree, better preserved in Taiwan in comparison to the Chinese mainland, due to the introduction of socialism and the Cultural Revolution, but even in Taiwan traditional culture changed continually during the period of Japanese colonialism and subsequent rule by the Chinese Nationalist Party.
With the above influences in mind, researchers in the fields of traditional arts, folk beliefs and the cinematic arts came together through this "Joint Research into Traditional Arts and Folk Culture in Taiwan and its Dissemination Overseas" (this research) with a focus on Taiwan's traditional arts, the background to these traditional arts as grounded in folk beliefs, and cinematic works that focus on these areas, in order to engage jointly in interdisciplinary research investigating how traditional culture grounded in Taiwan's regional communities has changed under the influence of political, social, economic and other changes occurring through Taiwan's modernization, and how this culture has been presented in the context of the introduction of overseas perspectives through interactions between Taiwan and overseas parties.
During the first half of the year, this research first focused on collecting research related to arts including shadow puppet plays (and the puppets created for such plays) while also working to organize prior research. The researchers also gathered and assessed information on the community of former military personnel in Taipei who foster the art of xiangsheng, the community of immigrants from Chaozhou now living in Kau-hsiung who carry on the tradition of shadow plays, and on the folk beliefs which provide a background to these respective arts. Finally, the researchers also analyzed cinematic works related to the above topics.
During the second half of the year, the researchers brought together and compared the results of this various research in order to develop a shared understanding before gathering and analyzing further research materials in areas where information remained lacking. The results of these activities were harnessed as a foundation for an exhibition of materials related to Taiwanese shadow puppet plays entitled "Local Culture in Taiwan and Chinese Culture: Films, Shadow Puppets and potehi (glove pockets)". This event also included a public performance. A second event, entitled "Thunderbolt Fantasy" (a public lecture on Sinophone puppet plays and cinema), was also held. Kohbun Press published the results of the research as a booklet.
The researchers were able, through this research, to elucidate new aspects of Taiwanese culture during the modernization of Taiwan and the changes the culture underwent during that period. The researchers also believe that publishing and publicizing the results of this research has contributed to the enrichment of the education provided to students of Keio University, while ensuring that the research results are given back to the community.