In this academic year, we have tried to investigate the incidence of corporate tax after the Japanese corporate tax reform based on a dynamic general equilibrium model of the closed economy and to expand it to an open economy (two-country) model.
Previous studies which we refer have been introduced an adjustment cost of investment and an agency cost on debt, which increases as debt-equity ratio increases. Based on them, we conduct a simulation analysis using a dynamic general equilibrium model.
In Japan, there are three corporate tax items; Corporate Tax as a national tax, Inhabitant Tax on Corporations and Enterprise Tax as local taxes. Enterprise Tax consists of three components; income, value-added and capital components. Corporate Tax, Inhabitant Tax on Corporations, and income component of Enterprise Tax are categorized as corporate income taxation. Value-added and capital components of Enterprise Tax are not corporate income taxation. They are categorized as size-based business taxation or "pro-forma" taxation. Hence, we need to include not only corporate income taxation but size-based business taxation in a dynamic macroeconomic model. In this academic year, we establish a theoretical model including size-based business taxation.
One focus of the analysis is tax incidence after corporate tax reform. We found that it depends on the parameters of production function, ones of adjustment cost of investment and agency cost on debt.
In addition, we have tried to establish a dynamic general equilibrium model in open economy with corporate finance.