これまでの超新星の研究では、ニュートリノが左巻きのみというパリティ対称性の破れは考慮されてこなかった。通常の流体については、渦度方向には流れは誘起されないが、カイラリティをもつ素粒子については、そのカイラリティによるパリティ対称性の破れのために、渦度方向に粒子の流れが生成されることが知られており、カイラル渦効果 (CVE: chiral vortical effect) と呼ばれる。最近、ニュートリノのカイラル渦効果によって、超新星の流体力学的な時間発展が定性的に修正されることが見出された。
After nuclear fusion reaction of a massive star having about 8 times heavier mass than the solar mass is completed, the core of the star contracts by the self-gravity and a core collapse occurs. It has been considered that the supernova explosion with a shock wave will take place by the bounce of the core collapse. In the core, left-handed electrons are captured by protons, and neutrons and left-handed neutrinos are generated. The neutrinos will carry about 99% gravitational energy of the star toward the outside of the star. The supernova core is approximated as fluid because mean free path of the neutrinos is short enough compared to the core size.
In a two-dimensional simulation, it became clear that the shock wave asymmetrically expands and blasts by a non-uniform energy concentration behind the shock wave. Nevertheless, in three-dimensional simulations, it became difficult to explode with the observed explosion energy because the energy cascade from large scales to small scales is dominant and the cascade deconcentrates the energy.
In previous studies, the feature that neutrinos have only left-handedness has not been considered. In the ordinal fluid, current is not induced in the direction of the vorticity vector. However, the fermions with parity violation generate the current parallel to the vorticity vector due to the difference of chemical potentials for right-handedness and left-handedness. This effect is so-called chiral vortical effect (CVE) for super-relative fermions, e.g., the neutral particles like neutrinos.
Therefore, in this study, in order to realize the supernova explosion in the three-dimensional numerical simulation dominated by the forward cascade of energy, we performed rotating homogeneous turbulent flows considering breaking the parity symmetry of the neutrino. As a result, when the rotation becomes strong, density and pressure concentrate due to the inverse cascade of energy. Thus, the neutrinos are transported in the direction of vorticity, because the velocity in the vorticity direction is induced from the pressure gradient. We also found that helicity is converted to density and the density increases.