一方で、今年度の最末期に、『植民地報告 (Koloniaal Verslag)』という別の年次資料で、各地の輸出入に関する情報が1870年代以降の時期まで詳細に記載されていることが分かった。この資料を利用することが、蘭領東インドの気候と経済に関して今後の研究を展開させる鍵になると考えられる。
In this year, I collected the trade statistics and the meteorological records in Dutch East Indies, and I attempted to analyze the information in these materials. As to the trade statistics, I found that the format of information had significantly changed before and after 1870, and that the post-1870 data is very difficult to analyze, although the pre-1840 data makes it possible to analyze the trade and economy in diverse places, as the data includes the information of export destinations and import origins per trade item. On the other hand, as to the meteorological records, full-scale data is available only after 1879, the period in which the trade analysis is difficult. The problem of the post-1870 trade statistics is that its information about the trade value in a certain port to each export destination and from import origin doesn't include the information of trade item. Its information about the trade value about certain trade items doesn't include the information of their export destinations or its import origins.
Fortunately, however, at the very end of this academic year, I found that another set of annual source materials called "Colonial Report (Koloniaal Verslag)" has detailed information about the import and export in different places in Dutch East Indies after 1870. This set of materials will be a key to develop this project about the relationship between climate and economy in Dutch East Indies in the coming years.