小幡甚三郎に関しては、New York大学Tandon校のPoly Archivesを訪問し、所蔵資料を調査した。すでにPolytechnic Instituteのカタログと日本人学生の名簿は確認できていたが、当時学長であったDavid・H・Cochranに関する資料を中心に調査し、彼が1871年~1873年という時期になぜ多くの日本人学生を受け入れたのか、考察を試みた。David・H・Cochranが学長を務めた35年間は「Davidの治世」と呼ばれる、彼が大学運営に大きな影響力をもった時代であり、また彼は教員養成学校の出身であったこともあって、病欠の教師などに代わり積極的に授業を行った。その際彼が教えた科目は、論理学、倫理学(道徳哲学)、国際法、歴史、化学であった。また1871年から1874年までの成績表原本からは、日本人学生4名分を確認することができた。国籍が記載されていないため、これまでは日本人として把握されていなかったものである。甚三郎の成績表は存在しなかったが、なぜ存在しないかも含めて以下の推測ができる。成績が存在するのは、1870年以前から留学していた人物で、彼らの履修科目(英作文、弁論術、歴史、代数学、幾何学、自然地理学、化学、市民政治学、政治経済学等)やその成績から、実務のために学んでいたと推察される。Cochranは彼らを通じて日本人に対する教育の重要性を考え、また後発教育機関であるPolytechnic Instituteの米国教育界での地位向上を目指し、日本政府が留学を奨励した華族、すなわちリーダーとなりnobleesse obligeを求められる人びととその従者を受け入れ、特別コースを設けて自らが彼らの教育に当たったと考えられる。
This year I researched on the following two points. About Tokujiro Obata, I took notice of history textbooks which he wrote for the primary education system, "Shogaku-rekishi "『小学歴史』 and "Shogaku-rekishi Kaitei "『小学歴史階梯』, and started an analysis of his historical recognition, especially on the Meiji Restoration. There is a view similar to the recent interpretation, of the Meiji Restoration and so on. I am going to do more research on it.
About Jinzaburo Obata, I visited the Poly Archives at Tandon School of New York University to examine the collective materials of Japanese students. The existence of the Polytechnic Institute catalog and the list of Japanese students have been confirmed. But I needed to examine materials related to David H. Cochran who received Japanese students in the early 1870's as the president of that school. I tried to consider why he accepted those students. I know that the 35 years that David H. Cochran served as the president was called "the reign of David", he had a great influence on university management. And because he worked at a school which trained teachers, he often taught when teachers were sick, etc. The subjects he taught were logic, moral philosophy, international law, history and chemistry. In addition, I found four Japanese students names on the original grade ledgers from 1871 to 1874. They were not recognized as Japanese students until now, because the nationality was not stated. Although there was no score sheet for Jinzaburo, the following speculations can be made including the reason why it does not exist. Four students whose grade exists started to study in the U.S.A. before 1870, and their study subjects (English Prose Composition, Elocution History, Algebra, Elem Geometry, Physical Geography, Chemistry, Civil Government, Political Economy, etc.) and their grades let me know that they worked like businessmen. Cochran considered the importance of education for Japanese people through them, and aimed to improve the status of the Polytechnic Institute in the education world of the U.S.A. He received Japanese students who were high-class people and had to have nobleesse oblige as a leader of Japan. Cochran made a special course and taught them directly.