インドネシア・ジョグジャカルタ市にて, ガジャマダ大学の協力により, フィルター捕集とイオンクロマト分析による大気粉塵中化学イオン成分濃度観測とTiO2を塗布した捕集管とイオンクロマト分析による大気汚染ガス濃度観測を2012年9月から3年間にわたり継続的に行った。PMF解析を発生源数5として行った結果, 大気汚染による二次生成, 海塩, バイオマスの燃焼, 化石燃料の燃焼, 土壌が起源と見られる大気粉塵が解析された。
In October 2010, Mt. Merapi, a remarkably active volcano locating in the center of Java Island, triggered large-scale explosion. This brought severe damage, including ash fall and air pollution due to air pollution gases, in Yogyakarta City, locating 30 km south of Mt. Merapi. Generally, air pollutions are caused by the complex of natural sources such as volcanic activities and transport from continents or oceans by winds and artificial sources such as fossil fuel combustion and automobiles. The classification of aerosol sources in Yogyakarta was carried out by using Positive Matrix Factorization(PMF) analysis. 5 sources such as secondary generated aerosol from air pollution gases, sea salt, biomass combustion, fossil fuel combustion and volcanic soil were classified.