本研究の目的は、満洲引揚者の対中認識を析出し、さらに満洲経験がその中国認識形成にもたらした影響を明らかにするものである。分析にあたっては、満洲引揚者の歴史や日中関係史を理解する上で極めて重要な団体である国際善隣協会に焦点をあてる。国際善隣協会は、戦後初期から引揚者の支援や補償問題などに取り組まれ、その後も日中関係の変化敏感に反応し、中国情勢の分析・発信し続けてきた団体である。以下では、①資料収集、②資料整理、③今後の課題の3 点に分けて、 研究成果実績について説明する。
This study analyzes the perceptions of the Manchurian repatriates toward China and clarifies the influence of the Manchurian experience on their perceptions of modern China. The analysis will focus on the International Good Neighborhood Association (IGNA), a vital organization in understanding the history of the Manchurian repatriates and the history of Sino-Japanese relations. IGAN has been involved in support of the repatriates and compensation issues since the early postwar period. They have also been sensitive to changes in Sino-Japanese relations and have continued to analyze and disseminate information on the situation in China. This short report could be divided into three sections: (1) collecting materials, (2) organizing materials, and (3) future directions.
(1) collecting materials
Since FY2022 is the first year of this research project, I focused on collecting relevant materials. The materials collected included newsletters such as "Zenrin Geppo", "Zenrin", and commemorative magazines. Of these historical materials, the most important one is the newsletters. These newsletters contain not only the association's activities but also its members' status and memoirs. In addition to the material collection, I actively participated in various IGNA activities, which allowed me to conduct face-to-face interviews with related parties to lay the groundwork for in-depth investigation in the future.
(2) organizing materials
Apart from materials collection, scanning and cataloguing were continued. To utilize the newsletters as a resource, placing them back into the historical context is both necessary and beneficial. I thus scanned the newsletters and catalogued the articles in the newsletters in FY2022.
(3) future directions.
In FY2022, I focused on collecting and organizing the materials while far short of analytical work. In the future, I plan to continue collecting and organizing materials while gradually beginning to scrutinize them. At the same time, conducting interviews with related parties will be necessary.