1890年の旧商法典が帝国議会で施行延期されたのは、日本に最初の資本循環による経済恐慌が襲った時期と重なっていた。会社法、破産法の整備は急務であった。1893年春にロェスラーが欧州に戻ったのち、第二次伊藤内閣によって、旧商法典のうち、会社法、破産法、手形法が若干修正のうえ同年7月から施行された。それまでの外交手段としての法典編纂ではなく、内治の要請によるものであったがゆえに、国内に別段の抵抗はなかった。同時に、日本人のみによる法典調査会で旧商法典の大幅な見直しが遂行された。元来、旧商法典は「各国商法典の万華鏡」といってよいパッチワーク的性格をもっていたうえに、見直し作業では、さらに1887年のルーマニア商法典(Codul Comercial din 1887)、1888年のポルトガル商法典(Código Comercial de 1888)などを加味して、1899年の新商法典の編纂に至った。大規模な比較法的調査の基本的なソースは、ベルリンの法曹オスカー・ボルヒャルトOscar Borchardtの編纂による「世界の現行商法典」Die Geltenden Handelsgesetze des Erdballsシリーズと推定される。1885年の第3巻には、ロェスラーがかれの商法草案の情報をボルヒャルトに提供した旨の記述があり、1896年の補巻(Nachtrag)には、日本の1893年一部施行法の独訳が掲載されるなど、両者には濃厚な関係があった。
The old Commercial Code of 1890 was postponed by the Imperial Diet at the same time that Japan was hit by the first economic crisis caused by the circulation of capital. This resulted in an urgent need to develop the Companies Act and Bankruptcy Act. After Roesler returned to Europe in the spring of 1893, the old Commercial Code came into effect in July of the same year following minor revisions made to the Companies Act, the Bankruptcy Act and the Negotiable Instruments Act by the second Ito Cabinet. There was no particular resistance in Japan because, unlike the past, this was not a compilation of the code of laws to be used as a diplomatic instrument but was due to the demands of internal affairs. At the same time, a major review of the old Commercial Code was carried out by the Code Review Committee, which consisted only of Japanese people. Originally, the old Commercial Code had a patchwork aspect that could be called a "kaleidoscope of various countries' commercial codes", and moreover, the new Commercial Code of 1899 compiled through the review work further added aspects of the Romanian Commercial Code of 1887 (Codul Comercial din 1887) and the Portuguese Commercial Code of 1888 (Código Comercial de 1888) amongst others. The basic source used in the large-scale comparative law review is presumed to have been the "Commercial Laws of the World" series (Die Geltenden Handelsgesetze des Erdballs) originated by Oscar Borchardt, a lawyer in Berlin. The third volume of 1885 states that Roesler provided information on his Draft Commercial Code to Borchardt, and the addendum (Nachtrag) of 1896 included a German translation of part of the Japanese enforcement act of 1893, and there was a close correlation between the two.
The year before the new Commercial Code of 1899 came into effect, all of the parts that had not taken effect in 1893, due to the deadline postponing the enforcement of the old 1890 Commercial Code, came into effect. In order to ensure enforcement of the various codes that were the conditions for entry into force of the Anglo-Japanese Treaty of Commerce and Navigation in 1894, which successfully abolished the consular courts, the Japanese government took the measure not of postponing the old Commercial Code but of abandoning it. Due to the rise of Japan's international status, for a short period of time, Roesler's former Commercial Code not only saw the light of day, but also fulfilled its mission as a tool for amending the treaties.