金星は高度45-70 km付近に存在する厚い雲層に覆われ、自転の60倍にもなる平均風(スーパーローテーション)などの興味深い大気循環の全貌がいまだ解明されていない。観測の困難を克服するため、地球の大気大循環モデル(GCM)を金星に改変した研究もなされているが、モデルと観測の間の隔たりは依然として大きい。観測とモデルの不整合を改善する一つの手法がデータ同化である。本研究では、これまで我々が開発してきた、世界初の金星大気データ同化システム(ALEDAS-V; AFES LETKF data assimilation system for Venus)を用いて、金星探査機「あかつき」の観測データを同化し、世界初の「金星再解析データセット」を作成、その解析と公開を主な目標とした。
今年度は、あかつきの紫外観測画像(UVI)から導出される風速データを同化し、いくつかの観測期間で再解析データセットの作成に成功した。現在、これらのデータセットに含まれる熱潮汐波の構造や、極域の周極低温緯度帯(cold collar)の成因などを解析している。また、地球シミュレータ上で金星大気大循環モデル(AFES-Venus; Atmospheric GCM for the Earth Simulator for Venus)単体を世界最高解像度で計算し、新たに熱潮汐波から自発的に重力波が放射させる可能性を見出した。さらに、雲モデルの新規導入や静力学平衡を仮定しない非静力モデルの開発も進めた。また、データ同化技術を用いて、いくつかの観測システムシミュレーション実験(OSSE)を行い、赤道域のケルビン波の再現に必要な観測条件の提示や、新規衛星間電波掩蔽ミッションの提案につながる全球温度観測のインパクト調査、実軌道を用いた周極低温緯度帯の再現に必要な条件の提示も行った。
Venus is covered with a thick cloud layer that exists in about 45-70 km altitudes, and the whole picture of interesting atmospheric circulation such as the fast average zonal wind (super rotation; 60 times faster than the planetary rotation) has not been clarified yet. Studies have been conducted by modifying the Earth's atmospheric general circulation model into Venus's one in order to overcome observational difficulties, but the gap between the model and observations is still large. One method of improving the inconsistency between observations and models is the data assimilation. In this research, the observation data of the Venus "Akatsuki" orbiter is assimilated using the world's first Venus atmospheric data assimilation system (ALEDAS-V; AFES LETKF data assimilation system for Venus) that we have developed so far. The main goal is to create the Venus first analysis data, and analyze and publish them.
This year, we assimilated the wind velocity data derived from Akatsuki's ultraviolet observation images and succeeded in creating a reanalysis dataset for several observation periods. Currently, we are analyzing the structure of thermal tides in these datasets and the origin of cold latitudinal band surrounding the hot polar vortex (cold collar). We also calculated the Venus atmospheric general circulation model (AFES-Venus; Atmospheric GCM for the Earth Simulator for Venus) alone on the Earth Simulator with the world's highest resolution, and found the possibility of spontaneous gravity wave radiation from thermal tides. Furthermore, we proceeded with the introduction of a new cloud physics scheme and the development of a non-hydrostatic general circulation model that does not assume hydrostatic balance. In addition, using data assimilation, we conducted several observation system simulation experiments. First, we presented the observation conditions necessary for reproducing Kelvin waves in the equatorial region. Second, we proposed a new mission for radio occultation observation among small satellites. We evaluated their impact on the general circulation with global temperature observation and presented the observation conditions necessary for reproducing the cold collar with polar temperature observation using real orbits.
These results were published as three peer-reviewed papers in English journals, and were presented in several domestic and international conferences. In addition, several papers are still being submitted and revised.