Rather than the purpose of domestic encouragement of new industry, the compilation of the Commercial Code was, for the leaders of the government, a means of amending the unequal treaties, and was also greatly significant in terms of proving the establishment of a modern legal system. Put bluntly, the Commercial Code was simply one of the tools used in the treaty revision negotiations. Its usefulness as a tool of diplomacy was proportional to its appeal to the Superpowers, headed by its negotiating partner, the United Kingdom, that it was a "modern law-abiding country". Roesler's Draft Commercial Code exceeded what was required and was more than sufficient in terms of its appeal. However, no matter how internationally excellent the 1890 Commercial Code based on his draft was, or rather, precisely because of this, it was difficult to fill in the gap with the reality of Japan's economy which was still in its early stages. Some officials in the government, such as Itō Hirobumi expressed the view that a simple imitation of the French Commercial Code, which was at the level of the first wave, was sufficient, while others such as Yamada Akiyoshi, the person in charge of compiling the Code, wanted to be faithful to Roesler's draft, and therefore, favored a translation-style Commercial Code that was divorced from reality.
Although initially scheduled to enter into force on January 1, 1891, the enforcement of the old Commercial Code was eventually postponed due to the Commercial Code controversy at the First Imperial Assembly at the end of 1890. The direct reasons for this were that the contents of the old Commercial Code were incomprehensible and also they evoked strong opposition from businesspeople on the grounds that the preparation period was too short. However, indirect influences were that the negotiations to amend the treaties which had been conducted by Ōkuma Shigenobu, the Minister of Foreign Affairs, were discontinued in 1889 due to opposition from Itō and others, Ōkuma was subject to a terrorist attack, the significance of the Commercial Code as a diplomatic card had been lost, and postponing of the enforcement of the old Commercial Code backed up by public opinion was a "small price" for the government to pay in order to be able to smoothly conclude the first parliament in East Asia under the watchful eye of the Superpowers. The real nature of the postponement of the enforcement of the old Commercial Code was that it had slipped between the cracks of Japanese diplomacy and internal affairs.