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タイトル |
近代における知徳の展開と政治的挫折 : 小幡篤次郎および小幡甚三郎を例として
カナ |
キンダイ ニ オケル チトク ノ テンカイ ト セイジテキ ザセツ : オバタ トクジロウ オヨビ オバタ ジンザブロウ オ レイ トシテ
ローマ字 |
Kindai ni okeru chitoku no tenkai to seijiteki zasetsu : Obata Tokujirō oyobi Obata Jinzaburō o rei toshite
別タイトル |
名前 |
Development of knowledge and virtue in modern Japan and its setback : in cases of Obata Tokujiro and Obata Jinzaburo
カナ |
ローマ字 |
著者 |
名前 |
西澤, 直子
カナ |
ニシザワ, ナオコ
ローマ字 |
Nishizawa, Naoko
所属 |
所属(翻訳) |
役割 |
Research team head
外部リンク |
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出版地 |
出版者 |
名前 |
カナ |
ケイオウ ギジュク ダイガク
ローマ字 |
Keiō gijuku daigaku
日付 |
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博士論文情報 |
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抄録 |
一方小幡甚三郎は、明治4年末に渡米後、5年春ごろニューヨークに落ち着いた。今回の調査で1872年3月29日付The Brooklyn Union に、4名の日本の若者が昨日the Polytechnic Instituteに入学したという記事を見い出し、本格的に留学生活をスタートした年月日が判明した。The Brooklyn Union あるいはThe Brooklyn Daily Eagle にはいくつかの日本人学生に関する記事があり、特に華族の子弟の留学に対し、歴史的かつ政治的な関心を寄せていたことがわかる。Poly Archivesに残るPolytechnic Instituteの運営に関する会議記録からは、中退者が多いという学内事情や新聞社が経営に関心を持っていたことが推測できる。この時期の留学を日米双方の事情から分析する必要があろう。
This year, I first considered the formation and development of the knowledge of Obata Tokujiro and Obata jinzaburo at the end of the Tokugawa period. Both were hired by the Kaiseisho as English teachers in December of 1866. The fact that there was considerable resistance within the Shogunate in recruiting vassals not directly under the Shogunate control is evident from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs documents held by the Tokyo University. In the end, they had their position at that school, and one year later they were promoted. The Shogunate must understand that the formation of new knowledge that could respond to the acceptance of Western civilization was necessary and then it could not be done without changing the framework of the Shogunate system, so The Shogunate created opportunities for them.
After the shogunate system collapsed, 芝新銭座慶應義塾之記 was written by Obata Tokujiro in 1866. In this article he declared that learning and studying foreign languages while working hard were "Public". In other words, the formation of "knowledge" was positioned as something that everyone had to be required and could to obtain. However, after that national policy was tended to control common "knowledge". I would like to research the process and Obata's "resistance".
Obata Jinzaburo went to the United State for study. I found a short article in The Brooklyn Union March 29, 1872.That said Four Japanese youths had entered the Polytechnic Institute yesterday. On the Brooklyn Union and The Brooklyn Daily Eagle there are articles about several Japanese students, showing Newspaper companies had historical and political interests in them. From the archives of the Polytechnic Institute's conference, we can know there were many dropouts from that school and that newspaper companies were interested in management of that school. It is necessary to analyze studying abroad at this time from the circumstances of both Japan and the United States.
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