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/ Public / 慶應義塾大学グローバルCOEプログラム論理と感性の先端的教育研究拠点 / CARLS series of advanced study of logic and sensibility / 3 (2009)   
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icon_article Title page

CARLS series of advanced study of logic and sensibility. 3, ( 2009
icon_article Publication data

CARLS series of advanced study of logic and sensibility. 3, ( 2009
icon_article Contents

CARLS series of advanced study of logic and sensibility. 3, ( 2009
icon_article Preface

渡辺, 茂
CARLS series of advanced study of logic and sensibility. 3, ( 2009 ,p. 1 - 1
icon_article Naïve biology in pigeons : re-visited

渡辺, 茂
CARLS series of advanced study of logic and sensibility. 3, ( 2009 ,p. 5 - 14
icon_article Attitude to lie and personality traits : a near infra-red spectroscopy study

小嶋, 祥三 , Ueno-Utsumi, Ayako
CARLS series of advanced study of logic and sensibility. 3, ( 2009 ,p. 15 - 19
icon_article Changes in the repertoire of tool-using behaviour in Japanese Monkeys

山崎, 由美子 , Kurihara, Yuki , 入來, 篤史 , 渡辺, 茂
CARLS series of advanced study of logic and sensibility. 3, ( 2009 ,p. 29 - 37
icon_article The elasticity of demand for sucrose solutions in common marmosets

石井, 拓 , 渡辺, 茂
CARLS series of advanced study of logic and sensibility. 3, ( 2009 ,p. 39 - 45
icon_article Neural system for integrating individual recognition and dominance relationship in crows

伊澤, 栄一 , 西澤, 啓 , 渡辺, 茂
CARLS series of advanced study of logic and sensibility. 3, ( 2009 ,p. 47 - 54
icon_article Gene expression analysis of language-related genes in the common marmoset brain
加藤, 真樹 , 岡ノ谷, 一夫
CARLS series of advanced study of logic and sensibility. 3, ( 2009 ,p. 55 - 62
icon_article Differential brain activations between internal-state discrimination and gender discrimination from biological motion

山本, 絵里子 , 染谷, 芳明 , Troje, Nikolaus F. , 小川, 誠二 , 渡辺, 茂
CARLS series of advanced study of logic and sensibility. 3, ( 2009 ,p. 89 - 94
icon_article Discriminative property of visual arts for Java sparrows, Padda oryzivora

一方井, 祐子 , 渡辺, 茂
CARLS series of advanced study of logic and sensibility. 3, ( 2009 ,p. 95 - 100
icon_article Magnetoencephalographic analysis of the neural responses in the perception of ambiguous body figures

石津, 智大 , 雨宮, 薫 , 綾部, 友亮 , 小嶋, 祥三
CARLS series of advanced study of logic and sensibility. 3, ( 2009 ,p. 101 - 107
icon_article Attention to social stimuli and communication in children with autism spectrum disorder

山本, 淳一 , 竹内, 弓乃
CARLS series of advanced study of logic and sensibility. 3, ( 2009 ,p. 111 - 119
icon_article Behavior genetic analyses for cognitive development in early childhood : comparisons between 42 and 60 months

藤澤, 啓子 , 安藤, 寿康
CARLS series of advanced study of logic and sensibility. 3, ( 2009 ,p. 121 - 130
icon_article Toward understanding infants' cerebral basis for word segmentation : a preliminary NIRS study with adult participants

皆川, 泰代 , 小林, 愛 , 直井, 望 , 小嶋, 祥三
CARLS series of advanced study of logic and sensibility. 3, ( 2009 ,p. 131 - 138
icon_article Development of a simple test of syllogism solving

敷島, 千鶴 , 山形, 伸二 , 平石, 界 , 安藤, 寿康
CARLS series of advanced study of logic and sensibility. 3, ( 2009 ,p. 145 - 150
icon_article Relational learning in children with autism through stimulus pairing training

高橋, 甲介 , 山本, 淳一 , 野呂, 文行
CARLS series of advanced study of logic and sensibility. 3, ( 2009 ,p. 151 - 157
icon_article Cerebral hemodynamics synchronized with electroencephalography rhythms during sleep transitions

内田 (太田), 真理子
CARLS series of advanced study of logic and sensibility. 3, ( 2009 ,p. 159 - 164
icon_article Condition B as an epiphenomenon

Tancredi, Christopher
CARLS series of advanced study of logic and sensibility. 3, ( 2009 ,p. 167 - 175
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